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Namaste Ready – ShakaJamal

Namaste Ready – ShakaJamal

#010 – Namaste Ready.  Today’s interview is with ShakaJamal, a yoga instructor in Oakland and Founder of Namaste Ready.  He is expanding the reach of yoga beyond its traditional practitioners.  Some people practice at home, but do not feel comfortable going to studios.  He is working with black men, people of color, and young people all over Oakland.  He wants to…. 

“Transform and change the zip code of yoga.”

When the pandemic hit, he knew he had something that the people needed and had to figure out how to keep it going.  Before the quarantine, everything was in person – he did maybe only 1-2 classes online.  After the pandemic, EVERYTHING went online.  

He says the classes are only a small part.  The class builds up “reserves” – they are about learning as much as you can for yourself so when you’re NOT able to join, you have your own personal practice.

Be sure to listen to the whole interview to learn how he started working with the Golden State Warriors.


Namaste Ready – Facebook

Namaste Ready – Instagram

Niroga Institute

Growing Roses in Concrete


Kingmakers of Oakland

Black Boys OM Academy


Frick Impact Academy


Show Notes

**Click the time stamp to jump directly to that point in the episode


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